Monday, October 3, 2011

Vintage Fun

Coolest find ever at GoodWill today!
$7 for hours of fun

Or at least until our ribbon runs out:)  I love the color!

So excited to try it out

 Isaac said, "Can I have another turn on that computer?"

 They were surprised how hard you have to hit the keys

I have definitely added this to my list of  favorite things :)


Anonymous said...

ToTaLLy RadicaL!!!

Stephanie said...

Rushed home from the grocery to check out your vintage surprise! :)

Very cool. Indeed. Worthy of being on one of your shelves? After you all get done playing with it, of course. The color = the best.

Barb said...

Loved your post and the kid's wonder and intrigue your camera captured..You're amazing!

Rob and Deanna said...

You Lucky Duck!!! I LOVE it! Color is perfect for me too, so if you ever get tired of it or find another........ ;-)

Gayle said...

How cute!!!

The Dickinsons said...

Love it! Looks like your kids are having a blast with it.
We just were given one by a friend in AZ who got married. Dad and Mom are keeping it for us. =)

Leah said...

What a great find! It looks like it is in really good condition too. How fun!